The sorely missed posts at It's No-Fault of New York have resumed. Go visit Damin and his informative and witty posts on New York no-fault law.
The sorely missed posts at It's No-Fault of New York have resumed. Go visit Damin and his informative and witty posts on New York no-fault law.
Posted at 09:31 PM in No-Fault Law, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
In comes New York Civil Law's third entry in the No-Fault parody contest (see posts here and here). This gem comes from one of New York's most prolific insurance commentators, Larry Rogak. He offers this original song. I'm sure you will enjoy it as much as I have.
As I drive through the shadows of the Brighton Beach El
I take a whiff and I catch the unmistakable smell
Of the borsht and the hummus and the cabbage soup
But that's not all that's being cooked up by these immigrant groups
You get a Pontiac that's maybe fifteen twenty years old
And pack in twice as many people as the vehicle holds
Cruise the Grand Central Parkway or the B.Q.E.
With a car full of people fresh from over the sea
Looking for a likely target like a Porche or a Benz
Or some other fancy ride you buy to show to your friends
You cut in front of that sucker and you slam on your brakes
Then he hits you in the rear and now it's all his mistake
Thanks to this world of vice, we're living in No Fault Paradise
If you just roll the dice, you can live in No Fault Paradise
Came here for a better life, now I'm in a No Fault Paradise
You can live like Heidi Fleiss, thanks to this No Fault Paradise
Send these immigrants to clinics where they go through the mill
Got your acupuncture, chiropractic, collars and pills
They stick a needle in your booty, and one in your knee
And check the status of your nerve conduction velocity
They got psychologists to talk to you and check out your mind
And before you go they'll take an x-ray of your behind
Before I came to this country I would ride on a goat
Now I got myself a sixty-five foot luxury boat
Got a twenty-bedroom house with seven double jacuzzis
And get my manicures and pedicures from personal floozies
You'll never hear this homey make a fuss or complain
Cause I make out like a bandit in the No-Fault game
Let me give you my advice, join me here in No Fault Paradise
Get a lawyer, don't think twice, you can live in No Fault Paradise
There's a pie, you'll get your slice, when you live in No Fault Paradise
Fraud is the admission price, to get into No Fault Paradise
Posted at 06:00 AM in Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Anastasios Pardalis has filled an important niche in the New York blawgosphere. Anastasios writes New York Real Estate and Landlord Tenant Law -- "an online resource devoted to New York City Real Estate and Landlord Tenant Issues." Please help me to welcome Anastasios to New York's blawgosphere.
Posted at 12:00 PM in Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Remember my proposition of submitting a song parody based on the no-fault law? (see prior posts here and here). Well, I received yet another song parody. This song comes to us from one of my close sources, who wishes to remain anonymous.
“Cripple Creep” sung to the tune of Up on Cripple Creek, by The Band (listen here for the song)
When I get off of this gurney
You know where I want to go
Straight up the five line subway
To Bronx Borough Medical
Bronx Expert Radiology
Little radiologist that I once knew
And he told me just to come on by
If there's anything he could do
Up for DME he sends me
If I spring a disc he mends me
I don't have to speak my lawyer defends me
An insurance dream if I ever did see one
Phantom driver had just struck me
To the dentist I did go
He bet on TMJ
And I got my prescription to go
Odds were in my favor
I had the adjuster five docs to one
When that IME appointment came around
I was sure that I had won
I took all of my MRIs
And I gave that IME doctor half
And he looked at them and just shook his head
And I just had to laugh
Now there's one thing in the whole wide world
I sure would like to see
That's when that IME report shows up
And they try to use it to deny me
Up for NCVs he sends me
I just sign the sheets he pays me
I don't have to work he disables me
An insurance dream if I ever did see one
Loo, loo hooooooo . . .
Lodi, lodi, lodi hoooooo . . . . .
Now, there's arbitration out in Queens
And this massage therapy is getting old
And this living off no-fault wages
Is almost three years old
So I guess I'll call up my employer
Tell him I'll be rolling in
But you know, deep down, I'm kinda tempted
To go and see my chiropractor again.
Up for EMGs he sends me
Household help and mileage he gets me
I don’t have a maid but I get paid
An insurance dream if I ever did see one
Loo, loo hooooooo . . . .
Lodi, lodi lodi hoooooooo . . . .
Posted at 07:50 PM in Weblogs, Workers' Compensation Law | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I am proud to announce that today marks the third anniversary of "New York Civil Law." When I first started writing this blawg, there were only a few New York blawgers. Now I'm proud to say that I am one of many New York blawgs. Throughout these three years, I have interacted with so many great people. Thank you for reading this blawg, and I hope the upcoming year is as fun and informational for you as it will be for me.
Here is an abbreviated list of New York's blawgers:
New York Personal Injury Law Blog
New York Public Personnel Law
New York Small Business Law
New York Zoning & Municipal Law Blog
Posted at 06:00 AM in Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Daniel Clement of the Law Offices of Daniel E. Clement writes the relatively recent to New York's blawgosphere, The New York Divorce Report (New York's Divorce and Family Law Blog). The blawg is designed by Kevin over at LexBlog, so you the know the design is going to be appealing. Daniel's posts are extremely thorough and pertinent to divorce and family law issues in New York and beyond. New York Divorce Report is yet another nice addition to New York's blawgosphere.
Posted at 12:00 PM in Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
I am extremely pleased to learn of another New York blawg -- New York Personnel Law. Harvey Randall provides summaries of, and commentaries on, selected
court and administrative decisions affecting public employers and
employees in New York State and related matters. The blawg is a great collection of case law and analysis on those issues.
Posted at 09:48 PM in Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
New York Civil Law's Vizu poll results are in on the following question:
Should the current mandatory retirement age of 70-years-old still stand regarding New York Court of Appeals Judges and all other Judges who are not Supreme Court Justices?
62.2% voted Yes;
37.8% voted No.
Please see the new poll regarding whether New York Civil Law should certify questions.
Posted at 01:28 PM in Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
The National Business Institute is holding a presentation entitled "Find it Free and Fast on the Net: Strategies for Legal Research on the Web" on January 11, 2007 in Albany, New York. I am participating in the program, presenting on "The Invisible Web" and finding free access to case law and statutes.
I learned a lot about search engines, the Web, cool Web content, and some searching tricks during last year's presentation on the same topic. If you have any questions regarding the presentation, please feel free to email me. The presentation is accredited for CLE credits and credits for paralegals; however, the content is applicable and useful to those outside of these two occupations.
If you attend, please come up and introduce yourself.
Posted at 06:00 AM in Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Because of work commitments, I am unable to post for the remainder of the year. I'll resume posts starting at the beginning of the year.
Happy New Year.
Posted at 09:12 PM in Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)